Saturday, February 06, 2010

Days 1229 & 214, Sunday, 17 January, 2010

Today, the little ones were too tired, so we let them sleep their naps.

When they woke up, they were very happy and ready to go to the beach.
So, we got ready to go swimming. I'm always prepared, as you can see.

First, we went to eat to a restaurant by the beach.

After lunch, we went to the beach.

We had so much fun!!!


Gr. J. said...

Love the pictures of all the bathing beauties! Looks like a good time was had by all.

Marieta said...

Ayyy, cuando veo estas fotos de tus niñas nada más pienso en lo vieja que soy. (Claro, y en lo guapas que están). Por cierto perri, vaya buen tiempo que tienes por allí!!