Friday, August 31, 2007

Viernes, 24 de Agosto de 2007


Hoy es el cumpleanos de Andy, asi que para celebrarlo hemos ido a los bolos. Como es natural, Papi gano la partida, y Mami perdio. De todas formas nos lo pasamos muy bien, hasta que yo me senti casada, y mama y yo nos fuimos a casa, a descansar.

Miercoles, 22 de Agosto de 2007

Papi ha empezado a trabajar, asi que ahora mami y yo estamos en casa solitas. Intentamos entretenermos jugando con los munecos y leyendo libros. Mis munecos estaban un poquito aburridos mientras yo leia, asi que pense que la solucion perfecta seria leerles un cuento a ellos. Todos disfrutamos muchisimo.

Lunes, 20 de Agosto de 2007

Mis titas han venido a visitarme y hemos decidido hacer maiz dulce para cenar. MMMmmm, no os podeis imaginar lo delicioso que es el maiz dulce.

Todavia echo mucho de menos Espana, asi que para sentirme mejor mi papi me dio un regalito, la equipacion de la seleccion espanola. A que estoy mona?

Domingo, 19 de Agosto de 2007


Mami y yo llegamos ayer a Iowa City, despues de casi un dia entero de viaje. Papi vino a recogernos al aeropuerto, y despues nos fuimos a casa.

Adios, o mejor, HASTA LUEGO, a todos en el pueblo, os voy a echar de menos.

Muchos besos a todos.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

VERANO EN ESPANA (just reviewing what we did, because we were so busy we didn't have time to post everything)


During 4 days in a row we got to go out every night. I was allowed to stay up until late, which was awesome and I also was allowed to ride on a little horsie and a boat. The only thing I can say is that it was so much fun that every night I ended up falling asleep in the stroller.

At the pool with Marieta

Marieta is a friend of mommy's. Yes, another one, not the one that got married. She lives in a very beautiful house, with a swimming pool in the backyard... MMMmmmm it was just like a dream to be able to swim and then sit in the hammock or lay down under the tree. My two aunts came with me, one American and one Spanish... oh, I forgot, Mom also came.
We all had a great time.


1 de Junio de 2007

Just after arriving to Spain, we started partying. First stop: My mommy's friend wedding.
It was so much fun. Everybody wanted to meet me and hang out with me. I didn't realize I was so important in this town.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Tarde del 15 de Agosto de 2007


As you may know, I´m half Iowan and half Andaluza, and before I left Sevilla, I had to experience what it feels to dress as a flamenca. If you want to know, it was so much fun.

I think the color orange suits me, so we chose this color for my vestido de flamenca. I look beautiful, don´t I? Everybody said so.

All the neighbors came out to see me dressed as a flamenca, and they had as much fun as I did or even more.

Mañana del 15 de Agosto de 2007

Today it is a holiday in Spain, some Virgen de los Reyes is going to go out in Sevilla, and my abuelo does not have to work today. Instead, he went hunting rabbits. Yes, you read it, RABBITS. And for your information, they taste very, very good.

Here is a picture of my abuelo and me, just coming back home from a morning hunting rabbits, with our dogs. COOL.

Martes, 7 de Agosto de 2007

Tito JJ wanted me to go to his farm and play with his little animals. His little animals turned out to be horses and dondeys and pigs and everything you can imagine. I rode on the horse, and I rode on the donkey, whose name is Platero. I don´t think he liked to be riden, cause he wouldn´t stay still for me.

After all that activity, daddy and I were really tired and decided to sit down and look at the other animals there.

Lunes, 6 de Agosto de 2007

My first haircut

I was very nervous about putting my beautiful hair in the hands of this person, but finally I decided that if my mommy trusted this hairstylist so much, she must have her reasons.

I think it looks pretty good!!! Don´t you? I will have to come back here to get a haircut, at least once a year.

Monday, August 06, 2007


When American Grandma and Grandpa were still here in Spain we went swimming in the hotel pool. (Some people spell it ¨ool,¨ but I make sure to add the ¨p.¨) It was fun awesome and I like to splash and a couple of times I tried to drink the pool.

Daddy is going back to Iowa on Wednesday. He gets into CR at 10:00 PM. He may just call you from Chicago to see if you can pick him up.